The Philadelphia Navy Yard is one of the largest non-military electrical-grids in the entire nation. On October 3rd the Electrical Alliance led a group of industry professionals and others on a trip to explore the facilities.
“I was very pleased with the tour of the Navy Yard and I’ve shared my experience with my colleagues and they were thrilled to hear what I had seen,” said Matthew Boyd, manager, administrative services at the American Geophysical Union.
As part of a joint promotion effort with the U.S. Green Building Council, National Capital Region Chapter (USGCB-NCR), tour attendees received an overview of The Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (CBEI) headquarters. They also viewed the advanced energy retrofit and GridSTAR smart research center along with the research taking place there.
Partnering with the USGBC enabled the Electrical Alliance to work with key specifiers and influencers involved with green and sustainable building practices for the tour.
“Conversations around resiliency are hot topics among our members and so we jumped at the Electrical Alliance’s invitation to tour the GridSTAR facility to explore what a more efficient, cost effective, reliable grid of the future could look like,” said Emily English, executive director of the USGBC National Capital Region Chapter.
A highlight of the tour was the GridSTAR smart research center and the specific projects they had taking place there along with the exclusive CBEI headquarters tour.
“We are all very impressed with the cutting edge technologies we saw today at the Consortium for Building Energy and Innovation (CBEI) and GridSTAR facilities,” stated Fulya Kocak, LEED Fellow, Chair of USGBC-NCR’s Board of Directors and director of sustainability for Clark Construction.
With the success of this most recent trip, the Electrical Alliance hopes to do more trips like these in the future. If you weren’t able to attend the Navy Yard field trip, be sure to check out the Facebook album for a recap!