What year are you in the program?
3rd and Final Year of the Telecomm Program
What Company do you work for?
Cabling Systems Incorporated
What’s it like being a telecomm apprentice?
It’s a lot of fun. I get to try a lot of new things and get a better understanding of what I’m doing at work in the field. I love learning to problem solve and about other aspects of the work that I’m interested in.
What is your favorite subject in the classroom?
Oddly enough I really liked AC/DC theory even though I don’t currently use it at my job.
What is your favorite type of work in the field?
I like audio visual work. With AV I love getting to wire and setup conference rooms: microphones, screens, speakers, phones, etc. I like seeing a project from the barebones up until I get to actually walk the customer through how to use the technology.
How are you staying involved with IBEW?
I joined the sisters of 26 a group for sisters and identifying sisters to come together as females in the trade to share our experiences. Now I’m the recording secretary. Then I joined the EWMC the Electrical Workers Minority Coalition and even got to go to the gala this year. I’m starting to get involved with RENEW which is a club for the apprentices and members under 35 to share their experiences of coming up through the trade.
What do you think sets you apart as an apprentice?
I try to never stop asking questions. That helps me to advance because I’m always taking initiative to take that next step and be a better helper. I’m always trying to anticipate and be helpful to my foreman or supervisor.
What’s next?
I’m reaching out to other apprentices at my company to get them more involved. I want to see more active apprentices in networking and the union before they become Journeyman.